
Hello! I am Debabrata Bhattacharya. Welcome to my projects page.

Here are all projects I am working on, as well as the ones I have built in the past. Here is a link to my portfolio page.

But first, a little about me!


I am a Software Engineer with experience developing Java, Python, Android, and JavaScript applications. I can develop, integrate, and deploy AWS services. I can also train and deploy Machine Learning models in Python.


Open Source Contributions

scikit-image: Image processing in Python

Work Experience

I have 6 months of professional work experience as a freelance developer. Click here to view my work history

Key Projects—See Portfolio at

Key projects showcasing Full Stack projects, Python projects, standalone Android apps, etc.

Full Stack Projects

Diabetes Prediction

Full Stack Android app with a Flask backend that performs diabetes prediction with an ensemble of 6 trained machine learning models.

Technologies used: Kotlin, Python, Flask, scikit-learn, Android SDK, Pytest

Random Question Paper Generator

Web and Android app with a custom python backend service that generates custom Question sets from a very large question bank database.

Technologies used: Python, Kotlin, PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL, MariaDB, Android SDK, Pytest

Python Projects

The next few sections detail Django, Flask, and Standalone Python projects.

Django Projects


Django app that displays data collected from querying NASA APIs.

View here: Deployed on PythonAnywhere..

Technologies used: Python, Django, NASA APIs, Ridge CSS, HTML, SQLite

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Computer Vision Django app that utilizes the OpenCV-Masker algorithm to mask colors in a video.

View here: Deployed on PythonAnywhere.

Technologies used: Python, Django, OpenCV, Ridge CSS, HTML

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Standalone Python projects


Python application that sets up a custom development environment in seconds.

Technologies used: Python, YAML, Pytest

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Wget Downloader

Python utility that downloads and archives webpages using the wget tool.

Technologies used: Python, Wget

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Machine Learning with Python Projects

Machine Learning Projects

Android Projects

Echo Music Player

Technologies used: Kotlin, SQLite